
Monday, May 30, 2011


Well today I made my music teacher veeeeerrrrryy mad.
|------------------------| this mad.
I may be killed tomorrow.


If you mix borax, water, and elmers glue, you can make rubber.
True story.


I thought we had two on this blog. It's okay Marten.
Anti-joke of the day: What do you call a black man that drives a plane?
A pilot.

Sunday, May 29, 2011


I realize that a lot of my responses to everything is "what?". Maybe I need to be more verbal.

Memorial day

Memorial day: going to a cemetery to play music for old sad people.

High fives

Can frostbite victims do high fives? Or do they do a lower number?
High four!


Number of spots on my couch: 4
Number of spots when my cat is on the couch: 1
Cats are weird.

Saturday, May 28, 2011


Blogging is HARD. I also can't explain why I have two page visits from Germany...


Unfortunately, we're out of those. Maybe we should advertise.


“Ten percent of nuthin’ is…let me do the math here…nuthin’ into nuthin’…carry the nuthin’…”


I have a swing set with one swing. Is it still a set?


If many hands make light work, and idle hands are the workshop of the devil, what happens if you have many idle hands?